The Missing Penny

If someone asks, "A penny for your thoughts," and you give them your two cents, what happens to the other penny?

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Truth in news of the war

Came across this article in the LA Times titled U.S. Military Covertly Pays to Run Stories in Iraqi Press. It states that the military is secretly writing news about the war, and has it translated and published as real news.

Finally, there is news out there that you can believe!

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Happy Thanksgiving

I want to wish all a Happy Thanksgiving.

I especially want to wish those in our Armed Services a Happty Thanksgiving. Thank you for protecting us, so that we can be thankful.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

With all of the things that are in the media today, I think that it is time to stop and think. I agree totally with Marine Mom, that we need to reflect on what this country is. We need to reflect on what our men and women, sons and daughters, are fighting for abroad.

And we need to be thankful.

This is the season to be thankful for everything. But, I also want to focus on the little things. My car may not be top of the line, but it runs. My house may not be the best looking, but it keeps my family dry and warm. My boys may misbehave, but they are both happy and healthy, and love totally even when I fail them.

People who may come across this, stop. Think. Reflect. Be thankful.

Friday, November 18, 2005

One more

Thought that I would also try something that moves.

This is a picture of my last hunting trip. I wish that I could have bagged a deer.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Move along...

Finally starting to dig myself out from under all of the work stuff that dumped on me last week. I have about three things that are all tugging me in their own direction.

Tomorrow is going to be a rough day. It will be the first time ever that one of my children has surgery. Now I know that it is basic (tubes in the ears) but it is still the concept that he will be knocked out. And he is only 1.

I am going to try to ressurect my website now, so that I can include pics again.

Hopefully I will garner an audience soon.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Some more changes

Unfortunately, I had to make a change to the list of Military blogs that I frequent. Warrior's Voice, a blog that I frequented (a Marine from Texas) has gone offline. Someone else has piced up on the name, and there is contect that is not appropriate.

Jason, my prayers are with you. I hope that you are well, and that you are able to reappear on the radar again!

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Okay. Got this thing to where I want it at.

Still wondering where Warrior's Voice is at. I have left his blog on the left, hoping that the technical issue will be resolved.

Oh, and for any of you Marines that may visit---


Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Getting There

Don't have too much time to post today. A lot of fires are erupting. But, At least my changes are working.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Still going

Well, this is the first time in a while that I have posted two days in a row. I am trying to get this set up so that I can let you all know about the military blogs that I am reading. But I am having problems now on this site, too.

Monday, November 07, 2005

Starting over

I have tried to change my old blog ( and it is not working. Soooo I will create a new one.