The Missing Penny

If someone asks, "A penny for your thoughts," and you give them your two cents, what happens to the other penny?

Thursday, December 01, 2005

No more Jesus

Yesterday a Federal Judge weighed in on state matters: Jesus is no longer welcome in the statehouse. The Indianapolis Star reported that the Speaker of the House is required to educate anyone that would pray before the start of the congressional session (which is mandated in the state constitution) that they may not refer or say Jesus, Christ, any of His titles, or allude to any particular denomination.

I really don't know what to say.

I listened to WIBC (Indianapolis radio) and Mr. Bosma (Speaker of the House) was interviewed. He was politically appalled (translate - he was livid, but maintained political composure). He said that he (a Republican) and many Democrats are exploring how to get this overturned.

Dave Wilson, from WIBC, had an interesting thought: If one of the congressmen (to be PC congressperson) had a bill go wrong, would it be wrong for him to swear (take the Lord's name in vain)?

Interestingly enough, he was answered, "That would go against one of the Ten Commandments! But I guess that those are not there, either."


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Although you know guests of the Senate can bring Jesus with them. Members just can't invite him.

10:23 AM  

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